Project Outreach of Fayette


How to Help

Opportunities to volunteer with Project Outreach are numerous and occur in various ways, giving you a
means to utilize your talents and interests.

If you would like to join us, simply send an email to [email protected]. We will then add your email address to Project Outreach’s notification list to receive our Sign-UP Genius emails which come out 1-2 weeks before the distribution. That allows you to sign up when it is convenient for you.

Some of the ways you can help:
 Bringing foods for distribution
 Bagging the foods in preparation for the 3rd Saturday food distribution at Church of the
Incarnation and/or at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)
 Volunteer to work during the food distributions in Fayette County on a 3rd Saturday 
 Transport the produce from the drop off at OLPH or Church of the Incarnation to the shed in
Fayette County
 Assist in mailing preparations (folding, stuffing, stamping)
 Adopt a senior family living in the Rossville Manor Apartments
 Deliver foods to the seniors living in the Rossville Manor Apartments
 Drive/ride in the Project Outreach van for meat pick up – early on a 3 rd Saturday
 Take pictures during events
 Submit a testimonial regarding your experience during participation in Project Outreach
 Donate

 Help build raised gardens
 Transport materials for the raised garden (8’ or 16’ trailer necessary)
 Assist in minor home repairs
 Volunteer/tutor in the Fayette County school system

Group volunteer opportunities:
 Organize a drive to collect nonperishable foods, hygiene items, or specifically agreed upon items
 Organize a team to build a raised garden
 Organize a team to perform minor home repairs
 Hold a donation drive for Project Outreach
 Schedule a month to collect food (list to be provided) for 75 families


Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors

The Catholic Church of the Incarnation

Germantown Presbyterian Church

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Power and Tel

Duval Semi Trailers

Jamac Logistics LLC

Catholic Charities of West Tennessee

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School

Christian Brothers High School students

St Agnes Academy students

St Dominic School students

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